Join the Team

Are you interested in joining the team? If so, fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Please be aware that we are not currently paying our writers. However, things will change in the future as our website grows! Thank you for your contribution to the Brawl Stars community and to our website!

Available positions:

  • Writer – Writes posts for the website
  • Editor – Revises posts before they are released to ensure that no mistakes are evident and that each post is of the highest quality
  • Designer* – Creates thumbnails for our posts and any other graphic we may need

*Please write “NONE” when asked to write about your favorite brawler if applying for Designer.

For all positions – you MUST join our Discord server here:

To join our team, you MUST be 13 and up, no exceptions.

Questions? Contact us here.