Advertise/Become a Partner

Thank you for showing interest in advertising with us or becoming one of our partners! The following sections will include specific, important details for adverts and partnerships.

Advertising with us

Advertising with Brawl Stars Daily will help boost exposure and drive traffic to your site/video/store. Below are some website stats:

Your ad will receive approximately

  • 200-400 daily impressions
  • 2000 weekly impressions

Size and format

Our current sidebar ad placement allows an image to be as large as 341×213 pixels. That’s 341 pixels wide and 213 pixels long.

Currently, the ad must be either in one of the two following formats:

  • PNG (.png) or,
  • JPEG/JPG (.jpeg/.jpg).


We do have a few guidelines in place for the ads we allow to show. Since Brawl Stars tends to have a younger audience, we do not allow ads with explicit content such as, violence, extreme gore, nudity or otherwise NSFW content.


There are two pricing plans available:

  • Plan 1: Weekly (7 days)
    • Cost: $2.50 (USD) per week
  • Plan 2: Half month (15 days)
    • Cost: $4.99 (USD) every 15 days

All image advertisements are clickable and can be linked to your desired page.

How to purchase an ad

All payment will go through Paypal. Please email or fill out the form below to discuss your advertising plan before you pay!

Notice: If sending a direct email, please put Advertisement in the Subject line!

The Payments page will be sent to you through email after everything if finalized.

Refund Policy

We will only issue a full or partial refund if we fail to deliver our promise. No other refunds will be available.

Thank you for choosing us.

Becoming a Partner

Want to partner with us? Here are the details.

Who can apply to be a partner?

Currently, we are mainly focused on content creators (streamers and YouTubers), Brawl Stars related fan-sites, and Discord servers. Additional info. is listed below.

Partner Perks

By being our partner, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Special Partner role in Discord for you and up to one other person + Discord announcement,
  • Partner name/organization added to our Contributors page,
  • and occasional shout outs in posts (post in partnership with, post sponsored by, check out __, etc.).

If there is something specific you would like as a result of the partnership, please let us know in your application!


Content Creators: In order to qualify as a partnered content creator, you must have a following (Followers, Subscribers, etc.) of at least 100 people. Furthermore you must get a minimum of 500 views per month or YouTube and 10 average viewers on Twitch.

Please put 0 when asked for Discord server count.

Fan-sites: Your fan-site must have at least 200 unique visitors daily and must be SFW (safe for work) in order to qualify for partnership. Contact us for more information about fan-site partnership availability and requirements.

Please put 0 for all numerical questions.

Discord servers: Your Discord server MUST be Brawl Stars related/oriented and should not contain NSFW or other such content which violates either Discord’s ToS, Supercell’s ToS, or WordPress’ ToS. Furthermore, Your Discord must be active and have at least 200 members to qualify.

Please put 0 for all numerical questions regarding YouTube/Twitch.

What you must do

If you meet the partnership requirements above, here is what you must do based on the category you choose.

Content Creator: If you run a YouTube channel, you must, 1) mention Brawl Stars Daily in your next video*, and 2) link our website ( in any video description that was released for the duration of our partnership*.

If you run a Twitch channel, you must, 1) mention Brawl Stars Daily in your next stream*, and 2) display our website either on your stream overlay or with a message bot that links our website ( in the chat at least once per stream*.

Fan-sites: Due to the variety of fan-related websites, please contact us for further discussion as to what we require of you.

Discord Servers: If you run or help run a Discord server with at least 200 people, you must, 1) mention everyone with a link to Brawl Stars Daily (*, and 2) put our link in your Partners channel if applicable.

*you can include a custom message that briefly introduces what BSD is (optional)

If you qualify for partnership and agree with the terms, please fill out the form below:

Please choose the partnership you are applying for

We look forward to working with you!