Reddit “Big” Announcement revealed

Remember AMA week? Well it has come to a close with today’s “Big Announcement” acting as a closure. However, many feel as though the announcement was overhyped. Find out what was announced below.

Brawl Stars Subreddit’s big announcement

After a week of AMA (ask me anything) threads, today they revealed what their “big announcement” on the schedule was. In order to celebrate 200,000 followers on r/BrawlStars, the subreddit is hosting a giveaway with 5 winners.


Giveaway details

Below are the details listed in the original post:

To celebrate r/BrawlStars surpassing 200,000 subscribers, Supercell has graciously offered one of the best giveaways we have seen to date.

Five lucky users will be able to a prize package containing the following:

  • Brawl Stars T-Shirt
  • Brawl Stars Cap
  • Brawl Stars Stickers pack

How to Enter

In order to enter the giveaway, leave ONE comment under this post with an idea or suggestion you have for the subreddit.


Winners will be announced on August 30th and they will be contacted individually. Please do not post your personal information down below. Before entering the giveaway, please be sure that you are able to provide your address and phone number in order to be able to receive your prize.”

The following locations are barred from entering the giveaway:

CU (Cuba)
IR (Iran)
KP (North Korea)
SL (Sierra Leone)
Palestinian Territories
South Sudan
Crimea Ukraine
CI (Cote d’Ivoire)
CD (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
LR (Liberia)
LB (Lebanon)
SU (Sudan)
BY (Belarus)
IQ (Iraq)
ZW (Zimbabwe)
SY (Syria)

So what do you think? Do you feel like the exclusivity of the items are worth the hype or do you think they should have specified earlier that the announcement was purely subreddit related? Let us know your thoughts as well as whether you’re entering the giveaway or not! Thanks for reading and Brawl on!

3 thoughts on “Reddit “Big” Announcement revealed

    1. Thanks for the enthusiasm, but the giveaway is by the subreddit and conducted on the subreddit😁 Please click the subreddit link in the post to get to the post and good luck!


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