Brawl Stars Community Art Challenge [Updated]

Hey guys! Earlier today, the official Brawl Stars developer team made a post on the subreddit announcing a new, community-made, animation! In the following weeks, the dev. team will be rolling out 4 batches of frames for the community to color, in which they will then combine them all into an animation! To find out more about this and the rewards, read below or visit the post here.

Skip to the bottom of this post to get Dropbox links to all the batches.

What is the challenge?

Essentially, this is a digital coloring contest. The dev. team provided a few dozen frames, each unique and complex, for the community to digitally color in. Once every frame has at least one entry after the first week, they will release the next batch of frames. The best and most popular frames will get selected and compiled into the final animation. The first batch of frames can be found here (Dropbox link):

The Rules

There are some rules to this challenge, however. Please be sure to read them before entering.

The Rules:

  1. Upload your artwork to Imgur or as a separate Reddit post, then comment the link on this original Reddit thread. – only artwork linked in the comments of this thread will qualify!
  2. Include your gamer tag in the thread so we know who to credit. (Your gamer tag is underneath your icon at the beginning of the trophy road)
  3. Please keep the frame number in the file name or post – this is VERY important.
  4. Keep the dimensions the same as the original frame (4200×2500)
  5. And finally- please only work on the frames digitally, as we won’t be able to use re-scanned copies.

What are the rewards?

Supercell is rewarding a few things if you get chosen for the final cut. Here’s what they said about the rewards:

Not only could your artwork feature in one of our films, we’ll give you a name-check in the credits AND, if your frame is featured in the final film, you will also get 100 GEMS!

Is the reward worth the time! That’s up to you! There’s no harm in trying, since there are literally hundreds of ways to win! Good luck to everyone who is enters and let’s make the final animation out of this world!

Header image by Supercell
Header image colored by u/Sector03


Batch 1:

Batch 2:

Batch 3:

Batch 4:

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