Happy Valentines Day! (With contest winners)

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! We hope you all have that special someone in your life to spend time with! Spike_Sticker


Firstly, we would like to thank everyone who participated in our Valentine’s contest for the coolest Brawl Stars clip! There were many great clips, but unfortunately, we can only choose 2 winners! Congratulations to the following winners: Danstry and Cyn!

The following clip by Danstry is insanely satisfying and deserves a stop at the top:




The following clip by Cyn – what a triple kill for the win:



Congratulations to both Danstry and Cyn!

Some honorable mentions are below:

SuperSai – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d0b6KnWnhwhmEZ1o0vEgSnyNokO8nsWl/view?usp=sharing

Yuu – https://drive.google.com/file/d/12bZaIzai3D5QnK-sYvq0fgj9TgtCDn6m/view?usp=sharing

Thanks for sticking with us, and we hope you have a fantastic Valentine’s Day 2019! Keep brawlin’!pocoserenade_small

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